To Make Him known among the nations
(Acts 1:8) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
One of the Core Values of Fort Myers Evangelical Free Church is:
We believe it is God’s desire for each member to understand and work to fulfill “The Great Commission”, which is “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:18-20)

The Foster's
About Kevin and Danielle:
After working in rural Kenya for five years, Kevin and Danielle felt God leading them to Rift Valley Academy in 2016. The Fosters with their five children, Eleanor, John, Madelyn, Samuel, and William, moved to Kijabe, Kenya and began serving missionary kids at RVA. Kevin is serving as the Student Chaplain for approximately 450 students, mostly 7th-12th grade. His responsibilities include daily chapel times, teaching Bible, arranging Sunday school classes, mentoring, and connecting mentors with students wanting to be mentored. Danielle's main responsibility is caring for the home and their two small boys who aren't yet in school. She also helps teach Sunday school and mentors students as well as helping with communication between RVA and parents of students. The Fosters enjoy opening their home to students and regularly have them over for activities and meals. They also host families of students when needed.

The Cox's
About David & Jennifer:
Dave and Jennifer are members of FMEFC who serve with the mission arm of the Evangelical Free Church (ReachGlobal) in Bucharest, Romania. Dave serves as the team leader and reaches out with the Gospel to Arabs, Turks and Iranians in the city. Jennifer is an executive area leader for ReachGlobal serving our 23 city teams in Europe. The Coxes are trusting God to transform Romania into a Gateway of Joy for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are deeply grateful for the role FMEFC plays in the fulfillment of this vision!

The Barth's
Byram, MS
About Rick and Jonell:
Rick and Jonell Barth are retired missionaries with New Tribes Mission (Ethnos 360). Once again the Lord has led them into ministry opportunities right where He has placed them in Byram, MS! Rick is teaching 2 Bible classes and may be starting another one soon. Jonell is teaching a ladies Bible study in Clinton, Ms. The Lord is blessing them with limitless opportunities to connect and pray for missionaries and their personal needs. Some of them are former students of the Barths! Also, they are being asked to send out Rick’s recorded Bible classes to a good few people; such as a requests coming from Scotland and one from missionaries heading back to their ministry in Indonesia.

The Hargrave's
Location: SW Florida
About Bob and Ellen:
Bob and Ellen are missionaries with Africa Inland Mission (AIM). Ellen is a Missionary Kid Education Advisor with AIM and Bob is on loan to ECHO - USA

The Gous's
About Johan and Lida:
Johan is the founder and president of Hope Builders Ministry. He began ministry in 1976 working with Brother Andrew of Open Doors assisting in serving the persecuted church. Johan's primary vision is to mobilize making disciples for Jesus Christ

The Dussan's
Location: San Jose Costa Rica*
About Hedemarrie:
Hedemarrie Dussan is a ReachGlobal missionary serving in an online Theological Education program that reaches out to Spanish speaking pastors and lay leaders from Latin American countries.

The Fernandez's

The Johnson's

The Anderson's
Location: Papua, Indonesia
About Becky and Enrique:
“Quique” and Becky Fernandez work with ProMETA to train and equip Christian, Spanish speaking leaders with the knowledge, skills, and character they need to implement the demands of the Kingdom of God, for the health of their congregations and the benefit of their communities.
About Ed and Valerie:
Ed and Valerie Johnson serve with World Team – Papua, Indonesia. Ed has recently reached a working agreement with the Indonesian Branch of the United Bible Society, that enables him to move forward on the final steps of the Old Testament translation into the Momuna language. Valerie serves as an assistant principal and teacher at Hillcrest International School.
About Keith and Judy:
Keith and Judy are Reachglobal (EFCA International Mission) missionaries. Keith is the Director of ProMETA (formerly called the LATN) that trains Latin American pastors, missionaries and church leaders for ministry. ProMETA is an online seminary with over 100 students in 25 countries. The Andersons have recently moved to Chicago from where they lead the ministry which is based in San Jose, Costa Rica.

The Tanner's
Location: Tanzania
About Tim and Emily:
Tim & Emily, with their kids Caleb & Imani, serve under the Tanzanian non profit Kilimo Timilifu (Holistic Farming) to train Tanzanians in Cross Cultural Outreach, Conservation Agriculture, Appropriate Technology, and Farming Cooperatives so that they are able to provide for their families as they serve their neighbors in the love and hope of the Gospel. Please pray for the Lord’s provision and enablement for KT to wisely and faithfully mobilize Tanzanians to reach the coast.