Meeting Information
Meeting Location
Fort Myers
Evangelical Free Church
6798 Plantation Pines Blvd
Fort Myers, Florida 33966
MomCo 2024-2025 Leader
Meeting Dates:
* Playdates typically 2nd & 4th Thursdays
*Mom's night out 3rd Thursdays
Meeting Structure
Each week at Six Mile MomCo you can expect a schedule that includes each of the following:
Food and Fellowship: A place to meet other moms, develop relationships, network and enjoy some good food.
Teaching and Speakers: Teaching by experienced mothers and professionals who share biblical truths and practical ways to fulfill their varied roles as a mother and a woman.
Group Discussions: Discussion in a supportive, encouraging atmosphere where moms share experiences as a mother, ask questions, and apply the morning’s teaching while building relationships with smaller groups of moms
Crafts, games and time to just relax and enjoy each others company.
Your children will be loved, encouraged, and nurtured through carefully planned activities while you attend the Six Mile MomCo meetings. Our quality MomCo Kids program is provided by loving and experienced workers and children are provided with opportunities to grow socially, spiritually, and creatively. Infants are cared for in a loving nursery setting.
We kindly request,
that you not bring your child to MomCo Kids if they have any of the following symptoms:
Fever (over 100F), Vomiting or Diarrhea
Children have to be symptom free for 24 hours, without the use of medicine, before attending.
In consideration of our ministry please inform us as soon as possible if your child will not be attending.
Thank you!!!